Caring for the elderly persons

There are only four kinds of people in this world: those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers. Caregiving is universal.     – Rosalynn Carter, Former First Lady of the United States

To be honest, I didn’t actually choose to be a carer, caring discreetly and naturally chose me and I’m passionate about it. I am the third child among five children so being the middle child put me in a position where I am responsible to look after my younger ones, also receiving instructions from my elder siblings. I could say boldly that I have a great affinity for caring for people generally, especially people who are frail, living with disabilities or helpless.

Caring for elderly people is not just my profession, it is one of my hobbies and I have learnt a lot about life experiences while caring for the elderly. Yes, their skin is fragile, their vision is compromised with glaucoma and other diseases, they are now incontinent of either urine or faeces or both, their mobility has been impaired, and their general health is declining. However, one thing is constant with them- They are still humans and deserve to be treated fairly, respectfully and with dignity.

Talking about dignity, in Africa, old age and grey hair symbolise a huge phenomenon about wisdom and people sought older people for guidance, wise counsel and prayers to also live long. It is a great achievement to live long. I introduced my fiancée, who is now my wife, to my grandmother even before I took her to meet my parents. I love caring for the elderly and listening to their stories about how they fought the world war, lived their lives when they were younger and how life treated them.

Globally, the ageing population is growing at an unprecedented rate and people are scared of becoming old. People are now using anti ageing supplements, pills and creams to stay young due to the fear of ageing. They are scared because of the current state and quality of life the current elderly people are. People are intimidated by being admitted at nursing homes because they believe they are going there to die. According to Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2022), 2 in 3 Australians did NOT use Aged care services between 2014-15. They are frightened.

Ageing is a blessing!! In whatever profession we found ourselves, let’s show love, empathy and care for the elderly people. Let us support them in whatever way we deemed right to give them a purposeful and meaningful ending.

Enjoy the below poem by Kelly Roper.

The Beauty of Elderly Hands

By Kelly Roper

Although the hands of the elderly may not be
Smooth, supple, and unblemished,
They have a beauty all their own.
Each line, each spot, each scar
Has its own tale to tell.
Some are tales of tragedy, others are tales of triumph,
But they all combine to tell the unique story
Of that treasured person’s life.
So the next time you’re with an elder,
Gently take that person’s hands within your own,
And look with wonder at a life truly lived.

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